The Point Arena Pier is located in Arena Cove directly below the cliffs of the Point-Arena Stornetta Lands.
The 330-feet long public fishing pier is the hub for fishing activities but is also popular for abalone diving, kayaking, surfing and the launch of pleasure craft. Sea Urchin, Crab and Salmon are popular yields of the commercial fishing vessels that are launched by hoist off the Point Arena Pier which was reconstructed in 1983 when a storm destroyed its predecessor.
Offshore is some of the world’s deepest waters in the Mendocino Trench; and the underwater Arena Canyon and Navarro Canyon begin directly out from the Point. The cove itself is between 20 to 100 feet with a deep a rocky bottom.
The Pier sits southeast of the Point and is protected somewhat from northwest winds and storms. A small stream runs into the ocean to the left of the pier, and there are reefs to both the south and north.
Enjoy a visit to Arena Cove Pier including all the eateries and shops.