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Jug Handle Farm

Jug Handle Creek Farm and Nature Center


15501 N Highway 1, Caspar, CA, 95420

Jug Handle Creek Farm and Nature Center is a nonprofit nature education center and overnight lodging facility that serves as a gateway to Jug Handle State Reserve and the world’s largest intact Pygmy Forest Ecological Staircase. The 39 acres include a native plant nursery, community gardens, forests, meadows, and nature trails. Lodging and use of the 1870s-era Victorian farmhouse, cabins, and campground support education programs and restoration projects. For overnight accommodations choose from private rooms in the farmhouse, cabins, or campsites with room for groups, families, or individuals. The campground, some trails, and the farmhouse are wheelchair accessible. The center is adjacent to the 1,000-acre Jug Handle State Reserve and serves as a gateway to the Jug Handle Ecological Staircase, a unique formation of geological terraces stretching from the intertidal zone off the coast, through coastal prairie and redwood forests and terminating in pygmy pine forests at the topmost terrace.

Check out the new Bunk House lodging on the Jug Handle Creek Farm site!

Jug Handle Creek Farm and Nature Center

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