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Little River Museum


8185 Hwy 1, Little River, CA 95456

At the top of the curve coming north out of Little River sits a small white building on the right. The building was originally built by the Knights of the Good Templar in 1885 and has been used as the community center since that time. Now, over 100 years later, the building is a museum and a historic record of the early days of this pioneer town on the west coast. The building’s essential character is unchanged and it is the only local historic building that has maintained its original integrity. The original redwood benches built by Richard Coombs and shipbuilder Thomas Petersen are still there. Artifacts and furniture of early Little River residents are on display, plus an informative exhibit of Pomo history, and a natural history exhibit of local birds.

Next time you drive through Little River, look for the “Museum Open” sign and stop in!

Open on summer weekends from 11-4 and by appointment all year.

  • Featured exhibit is the Little River Pioneer Cemetery.
  • Natural history exhibit is of local birds, mammals and insects.
  • Free map of local Pomo Indian trails offered. 
  • No admission fee.

Hours: Open on summer weekends from 11-4 and by appointment all year. Please contact Ronnie James for an appointment. 707-937-2014,

Little River Museum

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